Sunday, October 12, 2008

first blog ever!

Okay, here I go!... my first blog ever! I was inspired by my friend Roz, who blogs about everything and also runs our church fellowship group's blog.... it sounds kind of mean to say she blogs about everything, doesn't it... like I'm saying "blabs" about everything...

anyway, today has been the best day for me in a long time (not that every day is not a blessed day!) but today, my husband Steve came home after being in S. Africa for 10 days. I had very little to no contact with him during those 10 days and was really left to imagine what kind of experiences he was having on his mission trip. I was praying constantly that he would experience God in the way I did on my mission trip and that he would be able to understand clearly the reason he was called to action on mission and do or say what God asked him to do. It was a trying 10 days for me, but really a wonderful time for me to realize fully how in love I am with my husband, and how my heart aches for him when he is gone. I hope that is not too personal for you guys!!!! My prayers were certainly answered, as Steve came home today, just fired up for Christ and these new brothers and sisters (young though they were!) He spent several days loving on two groups of children... some 7th graders, and some 3-5 year olds. The pics are precious! He said the way those children listen and behave is amazing, and we realized it is because going to school is a huge privilege for these children, they can't afford to goof off in school! On the last day as they were teaching the verse from Romans 6:23, "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord"... 8 7th graders accepted Christ for the first time, and when asked about their decision, they stated in clear terms their understanding that living their life their own way lead only to death, but that Christ delivered them into eternity! Steve said it was one of the most powerful things he has ever witnessed, and I am so amazed by my husband and his continual growth! That is why I started by saying this is one of the best days I've had in a long time!

The pics in order are of... 1) Steve with some of the "little sparklers", 2) The children receiving some hand made blankies some of the Mckinney women made, 3) Mbasa, wearing Steve's hat... he said he didn't think she would ever give it back!, 4) some of the 7th grade girls, 5) a few of the children trying on some of the shirts we made for them at Macie's birthday party... thanks everyone!, 6) a close up giraffe Steve got to see on safari, 7) Steve and some of those precious girls!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a joy-filled day, even when the world is beating down your door with all this financial crisis and politics!


Unknown said...

Hi! I am so thankful Steve had a great experience & so did you. Yesterday was truly a good day between Steve & T.J.

Duane said...

Love the pictures. Cannot wait to see more and hear all about it. I like the blog idea. Glad you figured out how to do it.

(Haley & Duane)

Rozalyn Payne said...

Yahhoooo. Welcome to world of the Blog! Such great news to hear that Steve is home. We can't wait to hear all about his trip! Great pics Steve.

lmalchar said...

I am so glad Steve is home safe. I know the Lord was with him as he is with all of us. I can't wait to see pictures and hear about his everything. Love Hugs and Kisses to you all, Mom-Lee

Duane said...

When I signed up to follow the blog, I thought it might be a slang for jog or something like that. So I read the comments today and went out and ran, well maybe not ran, fast walk, or maybe just strolled around the block. When I came back and logged on, there was no change. You said that a person you know blogs about everything, but you didn't mention blogging about nothing.Looks like everyone else has done went and told Steve how great it is that his group all got home safely and had a blessed time. Memories are forever.You both have a bundle of these now. This will make two of us 'first time ever to blog'.I'll blog on out and catch you later.