Sunday, February 22, 2009

Zachary's room!

Well, with about 6 weeks to go... Zach finally gets a room of his own! I've been pretty slow with getting things ready for him... partly maybe because of the 3rd baby syndrome, and partly because I was secretly trying to hold off moving out our guest room furniture, thinking maybe we'd sell the house in time... but... here we are...!
Steve has been very interested in this boy's room of his... I don't quite remember having him care at all about what fabric I used in the girls' rooms! Anyway, he had the idea to do sort of a safari theme...
My mom and step-dad came up last weekend and we sewed all the bedding and repainted the furniture. Steve and I moved it all in yesterday and hung some pics today... so I thought I'd share! Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Christmas, etc

The last few months in the Whiddon house have been sort of a packed routine of long hours working, keeping up with the girls' school, trying to keep my house immaculate to get it sold, growing a baby, and of course trying to focus on the blessings of life vs. the constant barrage of negatives we get from the world. I figured I'd post a few pics of the past few months, especially from Christmas! I ended up being so sick on Christmas day, that I barely took any pics (which if you know me, is VERY unusual!!!)
the pics are of:
madison's soccer picture (she ended up loving soccer and scoring 5 goals in the last game!!!)
a picture from Halloween (they were ballerinas)
a couple pics from historic Williamsburg, VA at Thanksgiving
a few Christmas pics
and a semi-recent belly pic of little Zachary (about 4 weeks ago)
I'm 32 weeks now and have a scheduled c-section on April 7th!


Hi! I know it's been a while since I've updated my post, but seeing as I can't sleep anyway, I thought I might as well share some pics of our pug Harley in his new wheels! He has gradually become paralyzed in his hind legs over the past 3 months, to the point where he finally couldn't walk at all. It was very sad and especially sad to see his little tail hanging down all the time ( a pug's tail is usually always curled up). Anyway, he seemed to still be enjoying spending time with us and eating, so we couldn't bear the alternative... so we ordered him some wheels! It took him about 5 minutes to get used to them and now he is cruising all around... he can go through the grass and down small steps and curbs without any problems! We still love our little old man!